Natural fertilizer for your plants.
Perfect for your small in home plants or bigger scale back yard gardens! Frass is a natural fertilizer for your plants. Recent studies state that chitin starts a defense response in plants. Making them strengthen their walls, its own defenses, which include insecticidal enzymes, alkaloids, and antifungal metabolites that aid in pathogen and disease resistance
Get our all natural fertilizer produced from an actual bug farm.
Frass From Mealworms.
Frass is a soil conditioner, a source of nutrients and will help break down other nutrients in the soil to make them readily available for plant uptake. an all natural organic fertilizer and pesticide.
FRASS helps airflow through the soil
• frass increases soil water capacity
• frass adds active microbial life
• frass increase organic matter and content in the soil
• frass increases soil fertility
• frass increased yields
• frass enhances the plants ability to suppress or fight off disease
• frass is all natural organic fertilizer and pesticide.
Can amend soil with as little as 1/4 cup per square foot. (Use more if needed)
Make Compost Tea: mix 1 cup of frass with up to 5 gallons of hot water, bubble with 1 oz molasses. Stir it well and apply.